Company name: | ERG SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA (ERG S.A.) |
Registered office and address for correspondence: | 42-520 Dąbrowa Górnicza, ul. Chemiczna 6 |
PKD [Polish Classification of Activities]: | 22.22.Z Manufacture of plastic packing goods |
NIP [tax ID]: | 629-00-11-681 |
REGON [statistical no.]: | 272242844 |
KRS [company reg. no.]: | 0000085389 |
BDO [Waste Database no.]: | 000017611 |
Established: | 1896 |
Stock market debut: | 2005 |
Share capital: | PLN 17,520,360 |
Total number of shares: | 876,018 |
Auditing firm: | Grupa Gumułka-Audyt Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. |